Sunday, March 31, 2013

Trial and Error: Where I Stand Today

The below posts are all the discoveries I've made during trial and error to heal my skin. Although I cannot claim any one of them has led to complete success, I do believe they have all helped calm my flaming skin.

Up to this point, the common reader would probably believe I live a paranoid life. On a daily basis, I try to avoid things the average person may not think twice about. Should I wash my hands with that soap and water or am I better off with the germs on my hands? Can I eat over at the Johnson's for dinner or will I embarrass myself by asking about every ingredient in the foods? Should I risk having a glass of water or is it best to remain parched?

Keep in mind, I employ a mainly vegetarian diet, rich in organic raw fruits and vegetables, dehydrated fruits and vegetables (excluding those with the toxin sulfur dioxide), fruit juices (without additives), but on occasion I do include meat and eggs (grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone free). Unfortunately, it's not possible to eat like this 100% of the time, but I've been pretty close.

I have banished all coffee, caffeine, soda, diet drinks and foods, refined sugars, refined carbohydrates, dairy, cheese, and alcohol from my diet for the past 2-3 months. I realize it may take longer to get those toxins out of my body, but given the addictions I had to the above listed foods, it is a huge feat for me which I am proud.

I have experimented with candida diets, anti-candida diets, thyroid diets, and the Atkins diet, all to say that I don't believe any of them impacted my skin enough to convince me of their relativity, for my condition.

On 4/12/13, I will be seeing an allergist to determine if there's something in the environment or in my diet causing these skin eruptions.

In the meantime, my current lab results show my body has elevated bilirubin and iron levels. This may indicate a problem with my liver. I am scheduled to be re-tested in 6 weeks to determine if the levels are fluctuating (which would indicate no real problem), or if the levels are constant (which would result in extensive liver testing). 

I recently discovered the high dosage of Fluconazole my doctor prescribed for me last month, is directly related to liver dysfunction/failure. I received a dosage of 600mg, which is 3x the strength of the recommended dosage, 200mg. I orally ingested this dosage in ONE sitting. This is likely the cause of my elevated bilirubin.

I will keep you posted on the discoveries I deem share-worthy, as in our western society it proves more difficult to stay healthy every day . You MUST do extensive homework on your doctors, drugs, herbs, supplements, water, hygienic and cosmetic products, foods and clothing fibers, to the point where you start wondering why we our poisoning ourselves for profits.

1 comment:

Jess said...

My father suffers from very similar skin problems, so we appreciate all of you info, Jillian!! Thanks for your posts!!!